دور التغییر التنظیمي في تطویر الخدمة التأمینیة
(دراسة تطبیقیة في شركة التأمین الوطنیة العامة)
Witnessing the business environment contemporary series of changesand technological developments and an increase in the intensity ofcompetition, and the widening gap between workers and management, andmanagement's ability to distinguish between employees, and participate indecision-making, which cast the responsibility of the insurance companyconduct organizational change to achieve development in the insuranceservices provided by the public the diversity of insurance coverages(documents) and speed in the settlement of compensation and other activitiescarried out by the company.This puts us in front of questions including what extent the application oforganizational change in the insurance company? What is the role oforganizational change in the insurance service provided by National GeneralInsurance Company?, How to take advantage of organizational change in thedevelopment of the services offered by the insurance company?On this basis Showing researcher in the study subject (the role oforganizational change in the development of the service insurance) AnEmpirical Study in the National Insurance Company general, has been the goalof the research help the company surveyed to determine the influence betweenthe variables of search (entrances organizational change and service insurance)and see any of the variables more impact in the activity of the company, and toreach a number of conclusions that could help the company take advantage ofthe organizational change in the development of the insurance service.
يتمّ نقلُ حقوق النّشر إلى المجلّة عند إخطار الباحث بقَبول بحثه المقدّم للنّشر في المجلّة.