دور أسواق الأوراق المالیة في مكافحة غسل الأموال
Money laundry is no more considered local or regional phenomena. Anycountry is exposed to this phenomena because its effects are targeting the maneverywhere by targeting economic, financial or social situation are even themoral either at local or at national level. Also it used the integration occurred ininternational money markets and the development in financial systems fortransact the money for laundry and moving it anywhere in the world. Thislead the world to resist this phenomena ,fight it and attempt to limit by treatiesand agreements, recommendations ,strategies and mechanisms .The pioneerbody in that process was The United Nations followed by The Committee ofFinancial Act against Money Laundry (FATF).This research studies the role the made by Money exchanging markets inthe American and Egyptian experiments about the problem. The researcherssuggest some point to control money laundry in money changing markets inaddition to some conclusions and recommendations.
يتمّ نقلُ حقوق النّشر إلى المجلّة عند إخطار الباحث بقَبول بحثه المقدّم للنّشر في المجلّة.