Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) for industrial establishments and their impact on operational strategy

applied research in a sample of industrial companies


  • محمد سمير دهيرب الربيعي, م.د كلية الأدارة والأقتصاد/جامعة المثنى
  • امتثال رشيد بجاي الطائي, م.د كلية الأدارة والأقتصاد/جامعة بغداد
  • فيحاء عبد الله يعقوب, أ .م. د المعهد العالي للدراسات المحاسبية والمالية/جامعة بغداد


الصيانة الإنتاجية الشاملة (TPM) (Total Productive Maintenance)، الإستراتيجية التشغيلية (Operational Strategy)، استراتيجية موجهة نحو العاملين(H-OS) (Human-Oriented Strategy)، إستراتيجية موجهة نحو العمليات التصنيعية (P-OS)(Process – Oriented Strategy).


The aim of the research is to measure the relationship and effect of the application of total production maintenance TPM in the operational strategy, as it is considered one of the most important strategies for the process of restoring production losses because of inefficient equipment. Competitive edge in the global market by upgrading the operational strategies of OS in the application of TPM in those institutions that apply both H-OS-oriented and P-OS-oriented strategies where the strategy has been identified as a critical success factor. The aim of this study is to attempt to consider the application of comprehensive productive maintenance in industrial establishments




How to Cite

Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) for industrial establishments and their impact on operational strategy: applied research in a sample of industrial companies. (2019). Journal of Accounting and Financial Studies ( JAFS ), عدد خاص.