أستخدام الضريبة البيئية للحد من الملوثات الناجمة عن عوادم السيارات

أنموذج مقترح للضريبة البيئية في العراق


  • عبد الامير عبد الحسين شياع, أ.م.د. المعهد العالي للدراسات المحاسبية والمالية / جامعة بغداد
  • قاسم كاظم حميد الربيعي, م.م.


 The researcher tried to show the importance of using environmental taxes as an effective economic factor for reducing contaminators resulting from cars exhausts, and presenting a suggested pattern for  environmental taxes as a nucleus and a starting point for a wider implementing of environmental taxes in Iraq.                                                                              

 In the theorytical aspect of this research, the researcher deals with the research problem, which is, the increasing size of environmental contaminators as a result of industrial and technical changes which covered all around the world, including Iraq , and the increasing size of cars exhausts contaminators .Ministry of Environment report for the year 2007 shows increasing rates of contaminators that resulting from cars exhausts which consist 60% of air contaminators. This research aims at activating the role of environmental taxes in handling the problem of cars exhausts contaminators, and putting a suggested pattern and working mechanism for imposing environmental tax on cars in Iraq.                                                                      

             This research adopts the essential hypothesis which says ((Implementation of environmental tax on contaminators results a great positive impacts on the environmental level)).






Paper research

How to Cite

أستخدام الضريبة البيئية للحد من الملوثات الناجمة عن عوادم السيارات: أنموذج مقترح للضريبة البيئية في العراق. (2011). Journal of Accounting and Financial Studies ( JAFS ), 6(17). https://jpgiafs.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/JAFS/article/view/709